Playing around with your Nexus 7? Can't get past the X animation? Well,congrats, your device is soft bricked. Luckily, that's not the worst thing that can happen to your device. Its very simple to fix this but sadly, it will wipe out all your data. This is specifically targeted to Windows users.
1. First you'll need to download Android SDK. Downloading the 32 bit is recommended because the 64 bit is for new systems. Extract it to where ever you want.
2. Now, download a factory image that describes your device from here. Extract the files to
3. Click the back arrow to the previous folder (adt-bundle-windows>adt-bundle-windows>sdk). Hold shift and right click platform-tools and choose "open command prompt". Go into FastBoot mode (Assuming you are on the X animation, hold the power button for 10-20 seconds. When the screen goes black, hold volume down, the one far from the power button and the power button.). Connect the device to your computer/laptop. In command prompt, type "fast boot flash boot <name of boot image>.img" . The name of the boot image is by default "boot".
Congratulations, you have just brought your device back to life!
If Command Prompt is stuck at <waiting for device>, download the Nexus 7 toolkit. Choose your device version and then choose "1" to install drivers from PC
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